Kids practicing yoga Squat Pose

6 Benefits of Kids Yoga

Adults and pregnant women gain so many benefits from yoga, so can your kids! It’s truly for everybody and every body. It’s about learning and exploring in a safe, fun and playful way. Yoga and kids are a perfect match. Renew Mama Studio offers classes for little ones age 9 months – 10 yrs! By practicing yoga, kids can learn how to exercise, develop confidence, concentrate better, and so much more. Here are 6 of the many benefits of kids yoga:


Our society is so FULL of distractions and children can hardly focus on anything for any decent length of time. Yoga can help as it teaches kids to be present, to concentrate and focus on their breathing. The act of practicing poses encourages kids to clear their mind and focus on their effort and their breath. Children learn how to be still. This can help kids listen with attention and make good decisions in other areas of life as well.

Promotes Inclusivity

Yoga practice does not focus on winning, levels of ability, or even being better than the person next to you. Instead yoga promotes inclusive practice as a group and encourages you to be the best you can be. In kids yoga there are no levels and it can be great for kids who don’t flourish in competitive environments. Not all kids enjoy the competitive nature of sports and performing to win just doesn’t suit all characters, so try kids yoga!

Refine Balance 

Balance is a key element of yoga. Balancing poses were created to promote mental and physical poise.  As children learn to improve their physical balance, they will be filled with a sense of accomplishment. While practicing yoga, kids can learn to be more aware of the need for balance in their lives. As simple as equal stretching on both sides of our bodies or making sure we balance our busy lives with equal quiet time and relaxation. In addition, balance can help kids deal with the stress of living in a chaotic world where constant stimulation is a regular part of life.

Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem

Yoga helps to instill confidence and offers learning to kids on an experiential level. Yoga teaches kids to persevere, be patient, and work toward their goals. When a child masters a new pose, it gives them confidence and self-esteem as they had to work to succeed. As kids guide their bodies through the poses, they learn more about their bodies and what they are capable of. Kids learn more about their minds, and how they can affect not only their own attitudes and approaches to life, but also the attitudes of others.

Enhances Relationships

The interaction that occurs in a kids yoga class is so fun to observe as you see the kids become aware of each other, help each other and work together. Kids yoga encourages compassion, generosity, and respect. Some classes encourage the adults to take part, which can be a great way of connecting with your child in a different way. Parents can bring what they have learned from class and practice at home too!

Have Fun!

Yoga lets kids be kids and classes are filled with laughter and fun. When kids are asked to share their favorite part of class, the answer is often, “Everything!” Activities, like yoga games and obstacle courses, stimulate the imagination and inspire creativity. Smiles widen when classes are sprinkled with dancing, singing, art and sensory activities. Fun themes are often used to guide the adventure too!

There are many more benefits of yoga for children both physical and mental. Change up your kids regular routine and incorporate a new activity like yoga! Renew Mama offers a wide range of kids yoga classes from Toddler 2-4, Preschool 3-6, Kids 5-9, or Family Yoga for all ages. Click Here to view all classes offered. We’d love to have your kids join us today!